Author: Devon Elizabeth Carroll, Department of Plant Sciences
Student Liaison– Tennessee Chapter of Gamma Sigma Delta
Thank you to everyone who help with the food drive! Couldn’t have pulled it off without you. Members of the Gamma Sigma Delta Tennessee Chapter recently concluded their annual holiday food drive benefiting Smokey’s Pantry. Smokey’s Pantry is the first food pantry at the University of Tennessee, focusing its services on the students, staff, and faculty of the university. The 2021 food drive ran from mid-October to mid-November and was set up as a competition among buildings across the University of Tennessee’s Herbert College of Agriculture campus. In total, the membership collected 895 non-perishable items and monetary donations totaling $200. The Plant Biotechnology building, which is home to the Department of Plant Sciences and the Department of Entomology and Plant Pathology, was the winning building with its donation of 414 items.
The Gamma Sigma Delta membership thanks all who made donations for supporting students at the University of Tennessee and the mission of the society. The chapter would also like to recognize members Devon Carroll (Student Liaison), David McIntosh (Strategic Communications), Aaron Smith (President), Benjamin Pritchard, Collin McCorkel, Sreedhar Upendram, and Marcia Quinby for their efforts in coordinating the event.